Uta No Prince Characters
Uta No Prince Sama Male Characters
Beginning as an otome music game, and making its way to one of the biggest franchise in the anime industry in Japan, Uta no Prince-sama is filled with stunningly handsome, talented boys with gorgeous voices that had proven effective in killing every fangirl’s heart with a single whisper. Having finished its fourth Maji Love Live concert earlier this January, fans were graced with a much-awaited news: another new season in Fall 2016! Impatient to see the ST☆RISH boys back up on screen? Or for the Quartet Night senpai who’s been getting even more screen time ever since Maji Love Revolution began?
Uta No Prince Myanimelist
Or are you extremely curious about the new HEAVENS members? Well, fall is still a while away, but in the meantime, let’s take a look at our selection on the best Uta no Prince-sama characters, and see if you could spot your favorite! What better way to start but with the actual Prince amongst the other Princes? Aijima Cecil, the Prince of Agnapolis, the seventh member of ST☆RISH.